Adult Health

Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program

This program is also known as “Care for Yourself”, part of a national program to help eligible women in Iowa receive mammograms, clinical breast exams, Pap tests and HPV screenings at no cost.  These services are provided by qualified local physicians, nurses and other health care providers.

To be eligible for the Care for Yourself program you must:

  • Be 21 – 64 years old
  • Have no insurance, insurance that doesn’t cover certain services, or your out-of-pocket deductible is unaffordable
  • Have a monthly income of #3,137 (add $1,121 for each additional household member).

CARE LINKS is a program where trained staff can work with you to connect you to resources and services you may need to improve your daily living. For example, we would help connect you to:

  • Medical and/or behavioral care, including preventative services
  • Social and other supports to gain and maintain an independent lifestyle
  • Food, clothing, housing or other basic needs
  • Educational or vocational services

What will CARE LINKS do for me?

  • CARE LINKS staff will meet with you to listen to the needs you and your family have
  • We will work together to find the services you may need
  • CARE LINKS staff will assist you to make those contacts and follow up with you to see if you were able to get the help you needed
  • We can also aid in communicating with other service providers
  • If needed, we will provide an automatic blood pressure cuff with training and education

Maternal Health Program

Provides information and support to pregnant women to help ensure a healthy pregnancy and healthy baby.  A nurse will help program participants to:

  • Find a physician
  • Get health insurance or find other financial resources
  • Enroll in prenatal education classes
  • Learn basic nutrition needs during pregnancy and after the baby is born
  • Arrange a dental screening assessment, fluoride varnish, education and referral for dental care
  • Arrange preventative dental services for pregnant women who are underserved
  • Arrange a postpartum home visit

STD Testing and Treatment

We have partnered with Family Planning of Southeast Iowa to provide STD testing and treatment following a telehealth visit with their provider.

  • Call 319-768-1225 to schedule a telehealth appointment with a Family Planning of Southeast Iowa provider.
  • Stop by Public Health after your telehealth visit for testing and/or medication pick up.

Untreated STDs can cause increased risk of giving or getting HIV, inability to get pregnant or pregnancy complications, and long-term pelvic or abdominal pain. Learn more about why you should Talk. Test. Treat.

HIV and HEP-C Screening

Free, rapid, and confidential screening provided by River Hills Community Health Center on the 3rd Friday of every month from 2-4pm at the Public Health office. Call or text Molly for more information – 319-383-3621.

Other Public Health Services:

Communicable Disease Follow-Up
Emergency Preparedness
Basic Wellness Screenings (no blood draw)
Health Education

Call us at 319-385-0779 for more information on any of our programs.