Eating Healthy at Events

Learn what to eat and what to avoid

Every year, residents of Henry County, Iowa enjoy city festivals, fairs, and the Midwest Old Threshers Reunion.
It is possible to indulge in your favorite treats while still maintaining healthy habits!

Community Events

You can usually find healthy food options at community events if you know what to look for. Look for items falling in the following categories:

  • Fruits (100% fruit juices, fresh, and frozen or canned in own juice or light syrup)
  • Vegetables – non-fried without added sauces
  • Whole Grains (breads/buns, cereals, pasta, popcorn, chips, etc.)
  • Heart Healthy Fats (mono/poly unsaturated oils, lean cuts of meat, baked/grilled meats, etc.)
  • Low-Fat and Fat Free Dairy (milk, cheese, yogurt, etc.)
  • Other – sugar-free options, baked chips, unsweetened tea, low-fat/fat-free salad dressings

Old Threshers – Look for the Healthy Choice decal at your favorite food vendor!